Card Author:
Consulenza scientifica Dr.sa Simona Gigliotti
Via delle Fortezze, Porta Vallia
Behind the church of Santa Maria of Fortezze, recent restorations reopenend the old Porta Vallia only for pedestrians. The door is also known as Porta di San Leonardo or of the Crucified, for a painting found on the inner part. This door, in the Middle Ages, connected the center with the road Cimina with a street that passed under the Tower of San Biele.
PORTA VALLIA (Porta Vallia Gate)
Behind the church of Santa Maria of Fortezze, recent restorations reopenend the old Porta Vallia only for pedestrians. The door is also known as Porta di San Leonardo or of the Crucified, for a painting found on the inner part. This door, in the Middle Ages, connected the center with the road Cimina with a street that passed under the Tower of San Biele. In 1500, this street no longer served and the door was walled.
Translation by Michelle Greif, University of Iowa, enrolled at the USAC Viterbo program.