Porta Del Carmine originally took its name from the church and covenant of the order of the Carmelitani Scalzi, which stood nearby the gate and was first recorded in 1290 by Pope Niccolo IV. The gate retains its medieval characteristics with two overlapping arches though it displays no epigraph or coat of arms to state the date it was built or name the artisans.
PORTA DEL CARMINE (Del Carmine Gate)
Porta Del Carmine originally took its name from the church and covenant of the order of the Carmelitani Scalzi, which stood nearby the gate and was first recorded in 1290 by Pope Niccolo IV. The gate retains its medieval characteristics with two overlapping arches though it displays no epigraph or coat of arms to state the date it was built or name the artisans. Though it was partially demolished in 1367 by the will of Pope Urbano IV, this entrance was the only one that was accessible by drawbridge. Still visible on the gate is a space where a door was allowed to block off the entry in case of danger, though, like all the other entrances to the city, it was replaced by the current structure once the walls were no longer used for defense.
Traduzione di Isabella Lazzareschi, California Polytechnic State University, iscritta al programma USAC presso l’Università degli Studi della Tuscia.