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Winter opening hours: 10:00 – 13:00; 15:00 – 18:00 | Summer opening hours: 10:00 – 13:00; 15:00 – 20:00
Mr. Paternesi curated the Preparation of the Museum of the hill of the Duomo; it was possible thanks to the financial support of the Roman Capital commission with the funds of the 2000 Giubileo (Jubilee). The properties and materials they exposed belong to the Cathedral of Viterbo. In the courtyard, an archeological garden, the destroyed structures that were dug up and restored are from the bombings. Investigations conducted in February 1999, show a series of Lombard tombs present near the apse. The burial site was left in place until they discovered and put it in the museum. The first room on the ground floor is home to works by Domenico Corvi, among which St. John the Evangelist (1756) and sketches for the frescos of the Lunettes of the Church of the Gonfalone, with the Baptist before Herod and the Baptist’s beheading. There are also works by Marco Benefial, the Crucifixion attributed to Michelangelo, the Madonna with child by Bartolomeo Cavarozzi (sixteenth century), and Our Lady of Carbonara, the oldest preserved (thirteenth century) in the museum. A metal staircase and elevator provide access to the first floor rooms, where there are exposed vestments, some of which are very old.
MUSEUM OF THE HILL OF THE DUOMO. Translation by Marcella Stranieri, University of Maryland, College Park.
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