Set at the beginning of the piazza of Jesus, is perhaps the most representative example of this type of construction. The correct origin of the lineage is unknown from which the structure received its name, we do know that such a Ugolino Borgognone, was console of the city in 1218. This structure is known primarily because at the base is reported the length of the foot of Messer Angelo Borgognone, that was used as a linear measure of the community. The tower was built in what was then Piazza Saint Silvestro, where justice was administered. Restoration are identified in the base facing the square, where the original stones have been replaced by more regular stones, while buffering works have been focused on the side windows. At least three phases of constructions are clearly recognizable on the prospect that faces the square, the last phase of restoration was realized to build the current terrace parapet on the top.
Translation by Michelle Greif, University of Iowa, enrolled in the USAC Viterbo program.
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